Pilar Camacho-Luna
Assistant Professor of Veterinary Ophthalmology
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Joined LSU Vet Med Faculty March 7, 2022
LV, Universidad de Córdoba (Spain), 2022
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
Diplomate Candidate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Large Animal
Research Interest
Equine Ophthalmology
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome and gastrointestinal ulcerative disorders
Teaching Interest
Clinical instruction of fourth year veterinary students
Clinical Interest
Medical and surgical treatments of equine ocular disorders
Reconstructive adnexal surgery for small animal pets
Corneal surgery and medical treatment
Equine Internal Medicine- neonatology and equine gastric ulcer syndrome
Lewin, A.C.; Liu, C-C.; Camacho-Luna; P., Alling; C;. Carter, R.T. Inter-user and intra-user variation of two tonometers in horses. Equine Vet J. 2020; 52: 572– 576.
Camacho‐Luna, P; Andrews, F. M.; Keowen, M. L.; Garza, F. Jr; Liu, C. ‐C.; Lamp, B. Olijve. The effect of porcine hydrolysed collagen on gastric scores, gastric juice pH, gastrin and amino acid concentrations in horses. J. Equine Veterinary Education. Nov2020, p1. 10p. 6 Illustrations, 1 Chart. DOI: 10.1111/eve.13409
Camacho‐Luna, P; Alling, C,; Boykin, K,; Liu, C‐C,; Carter, R.T.; Lewin, A.C.; Ocular findings in a group of healthy captive leopard geckos. Vet Ophthalmol. 2020; 23: 489-496. https://doi.org/10.1111/vop.12744
Lewin, A.C.; Liu, C-C; Alling, C; Camacho-Luna P; Miessler, B; Carter R.T. In vitro efficacy of ganciclovir against feline herpesvirus type 1 and assessment of ocular tolerability in healthy cats. Journal of feline medicine and surgery. August 2020:1098612X20944363. doi:10.1177/1098612X20944363
Camacho-Luna, P. Úlceras gastrointestinales. Equinus: Medicina y cirugía equina, ISSN 1578-861X, Nº. 55, 2019
Camacho‐Luna, P. Persistent corneal erosions in dogs. Article revision published in Veterinary Information Network. October 2019. https://www.vin.com/doc/?id=5541555&pid=607
Camacho‐Luna, P. Persistent corneal erosions in cats. Article revision published in Veterinary Information Network. October 2019. https://www.vin.com/doc/?id=5583816&pid=607
Camacho‐Luna, P. Penetrating ocular trauma in dogs. Article revision published in Veterinary Information Network. October 2019. https://www.vin.com/doc/?id=5342475&pid=607
Camacho‐Luna, P. Penetrating ocular trauma in cats. Article revision published in Veterinary Information Network. October 2019. https://www.vin.com/doc/?id=5342485&pid=607
Camacho‐Luna, P. Persistent pupillary membranes. Article revision published in Veterinary Information Network. October 2019. https://www.vin.com/doc/?id=5619529&pid=607